Gift Exchange Rules

Gift exchange rules can differ per celebration and also depend on who you’re celebrating with. The most popular way to do a gift exchange is by organizing a Secret Santa gift exchange together. Already know how to organize a gift exchange? Invite your group and draw names online.
Draw Names Online

Gift exchange rules

How to organize your own gift exchange

If you want to organize your own gift exchange, but you are not familiar with the rules yet, you can read the gift exchange rules below.

  1. Set a budget
    Decide on a maximum amount of money everyone allowed to spend. You don’t want people feeling guilty or disappointed.
  2. Set a date
    Let everyone know when the Secret Santa gift exchange will take place, so everyone will know when to start shopping.
  3. Type of gifts
    Decide on the kind of presents you’ll be giving each other. Are funny gifts allowed or should all presents be thoughtful?
  4. Gift wrapping rules
    Some people like to go all out when wrapping their gifts. Others will think a plastic bag will do the job. Be clear what you expect from people. Also, make sure that people label their presents.
  5. Secret Santa revealed or not?
    Will each Secret Santa reveal their identity to their giftee or will it forever remain a secret? Decide this before the celebration. If you decide to not reveal who drew whom, make sure everyone knows.
  6. Draw names
    Have everyone write down their name on a piece of paper and ask everyone to include a wish list with two or three gift suggestions. Put all the names in a hat, jar or bowl and let everyone draw a name.

Draw names online

The easiest way to organize a Secret Santa gift exchange is to draw names online at There’s no risk of drawing yourself and there are no slips of paper to lose. supports Email, WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger. You can also share your results via Text Message. Each participant can make their own wish list online. It’s never been easier to share the joy of gift-giving and celebrating together!
Draw Names Online

Draw names online

A few extra tips

  • Do some research on you drawn name
    Try to find out a little more about this person. What or his or her hobbies? Does he or she like working out, reading, playing games? Ask some questions, but don’t make it to obvious. You don’t want to give yourself away. Using online drawnames’ Secret Santa organizer, could help you out with this. This tool actually makes it possible for you to ask questions anonymously.
  • Send a reminder before your gift exchange
    Most people are very busy before Christmas. Be sure they don’t forget about your Secret Santa gift exchange and send them a (subtle) reminder.
  • Buy your presents online
    When you do decide to use an online gift exchange generator, you can also buy your presents online immediately. Our gift finder is packed with great gifts. Easily filter on age, sex, budget and categories to find the most popular gifts for anyone.
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